Anchor Bay Condo's
Rules & Regulations
Frequently Asked Questions
* Question: What is an Assessment?
Answer: Homeowner associations can compel homeowners to pay a share of common expenses, usually per-unit or based on square footage. These expenses generally arise from common property, which varies dramatically depending on the type of association. Most condominium associations consider the roofs and exteriors and hallways of the structures as the responsibility of the association.
* Question: Are 'Dues' different than 'Assessments?'
Answer: A predetermined set of fees usually referred to as 'Dues' are maintenance fees collected by the Association for the upkeep of said property, and include water and sewer charges, garbage collection, lawn maintenance, snow removal, building insurance, Wi-Fi, and minor maintenance items. These fees are billed monthly.
* Question: What is a 'Common Area?'
Answer: Any area of improved real property intended for shared use by the members of an association. Personal property of individual tenants (such as TV antenna's, window air conditioners, etc., bikes, items of clothing, etc.) are not allowed in any of the Common Area's. Common area's include (but are not limited) to the following: Grassy areas, parking area, sidewalks, exterior of building, roof, interior hallways, and laundry/furnace rooms. Laundry equipment (washers and dryers) are common equipment, and use of such is only for tenants personal items of laundry. Central air conditioners or "Mini-Splits" may be utilized via approval of the Association. According to the Uniform Condominium Act and the Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act, "windows facing the outside are limited common elements; control of them is vested in the association, but the cost is allocated to unit owners because they're exclusive-use common elements."
* Question: What is a 'Proxy?'
Answer: An individual appointed to act or vote on behalf of another person by representing them at a meeting of the association. A blank Proxy for Anchor Bay is available on this website at the "Association Meetings" tab to the left.
* Question: What is a 'Quorum?'
Answer: A Quorum is defined as the minimum number of owners required to hold an official meeting of the association. The number of owners required can vary greatly according to the corresponding association's governing documents.
* Question: What is a Board of Directors?
Answer: In relation to an Association, a director is an officer charged with the conduct and management of its affairs. The directors collectively are referred to as a board of directors, and are generally elected or appointed. Anyone that handles Association Funds must be a member of the Board of Directors and be adequately bonded. Sometimes the board will appoint one of its members to be the chair, making this person the President of the Board of Directors or Chairman.
* Question: How do I contact my Board of Directors?
Answer: Board of Directors, contact information, meeting times, minutes, and other information can be obtained through checking the Board information area of your website.
* Question: What Are 'By Laws?'
Answer: A set of rules or guidelines regarding the operation of a non-profit corporation such as an Association. Bylaws generally set forth definitions of offices and committees involved with the Board of Directors. They can include voting rights, meetings, notices, and other areas involved with the successful operation of the Association.
* Question: Can anyone buy a condo at Anchor Bay Condo's?'
Answer: Prospective purchasers and tenants are subject to a background check. A buyer or tenant may be required submit a recent (not over a year old) credit report. Those with criminal backgrounds, bad credit, or sex offenses may be denied membership in the Association or occupancy in a unit. Final approval is subject to a decision by the Board of Directors.
* Question: What are Governing Documents?
Answer: The Master Deed, By Laws, Operating Rules, articles of incorporation or any other documents which govern the normal operating procedures of an association.
* Question: What is the process for complaints?'
Answer: Problems that are not police matters should not be reported to Emergency 911, Rogers City Police, or Presque Isle County Sheriff. Unless there is an illegal activity, verified (by witness, photo, video, or other means) complaints must be made to the Property Manager. Violations (inappropriate calls to police agencies) can and will result in monetary fines to the Unit Owner as provided for in the Association Documents. Fines can range from $10.00 to $100.00 per occurrence. Continued violations for this offense against a resident can result in eviction. The Board of Directors have the final decision as to the extent of the punishment. In the case of a renter, it is the option of the Unit Owner to pass the violation fee on to their renter. Fines levied can result in being a lien on the respective unit. This regulation does not apply to matters that truly should involve the police, such as domestic violence, tampering with internet equipment, physical threat/abuse or other matters that are truly a violation of the law.
* Question: What is the policy regarding locks on apartment doors?'
Answer: Door locks on the units are individual, however can be opened by a Master Key, held by the Association Building Manager. It is a violation to change a door lock or have it re-keyed unless it is done so that that Master Key will open the door. This is for the purposes of emergency, in the event of fire, plumbing malfunction, or other problems. Any unit owner that changes a door lock or re-keys without having it match the Master Key is in violation, and subject to sanctions, such as fines.
* Question: What is a Lien? Answer: A monetary claim levied against a property for unpaid mortgage, taxes, contractor work, or other charges. A lien is attached to the property, not the owner, but legally must be recorded in the property records of the county of residence. If a Lien is in place, the property owner has very limited ability to do anything involving the sale of the property until the Lien is satisfied removed.
*Question: What is the policy regarding smoking?
Answer: Anchor Bay Condominiums are "smoke free" inside the buildings (including individual units as well as hallways). Smoking is not allowed. The first offense will result in a warning. Second offense will rsult in a monetary fine in the amount of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars. Those offending the third time will result in eviction proceedings (that means the offender will not be allowed to be in the unit).
* Question: What is the policy regarding parking?
Answer: According to the By-Laws, one parking place is allowed for each unit. That allows for some guest parking. If parking becomes an issue, it may be necessary to initiate a cash penalty to the offenders.
* Question: What is a 'Notice of Noncompliance?'
Answer: Similar in essence to a lien, the Notice of Noncompliance is a document sometimes authorized under the the Condo Docs and may be recorded in the county property records. It's essential purpose is to notify prospective buyers that the property is in violation of the documents.